
Friday, August 4, 2017

Honey Hives for After School Snacking

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

It's hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks my girls will be back in school. I'm sitting over here trying to figure out where the summer went since it seemed to have flown by in the blink of an eye. This weekend I'll be running to Costco to stock up on lunch box items and after school snacks, and since Mariah will be off to college, the mom in me worries that she won't be eating enough, so I'll be loading up on dorm room snacks as well. While my girls do love a prepackaged treat every now and again, they also appreciate when I take the time to make them something homemade. Protein bites are a favorite, and Rice Krispies Treats are a close second, so I knew that these Honey Hives from Golden Blossom Honey were going to be a recurring homemade treat for them this year. 

Peanut Butter Rice Krispies Balls

They've got the protein packed in from peanut butter and a crispy crunch from the crispy rice cereal, which is an incredibly good combination. This is a tasty treat that Allison will gobble up after school or in her lunch bag. Since Mariah is only 3 hours away, I can pack them in an air-tight container and she can enjoy them the day after they are made providing there's no delay in the postal service once they are shipped. These are served at room temperature, but I actually like to eat them cold out of the refrigerator. Makes me feel like I am getting an extra special frosty treat that way.

1 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup raisins
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal


Peanut Butter Rice Krispies Balls

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Do your kids go back to school before or after Labor Day?



  1. Your girls? Isn't just Ally supposed to go back to school? Our kids start school September 1st! It would be cruel to send them of in the middle of August heat. We've never been under such hot weather as these weeks. It's been close to 50*C (122F) for two weeks now non-stop! People are starting to melt or go crazy, it's constantly like you're in an oven or something. I can't drop the temps below 30*C in my house (my AC works only in my room).

    Those hives look nom nom nom, babe! We have a similar desert here also called hives, but you stuff the mixture in the lemon squeezer turned upside down and then you take it out and it looks like real hive :) Here's the photo: http://www.kolaci.biz/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/kolaci-kosnice.jpg

    1. Yes, girls. Both will be in school soon, so they are both going back. Mariah is just going back to a new school ;)

      It's been really mild this summer this year. I am actually debating putting a sweater on when I leave the house today. It was quite a shock to be walking around the desert of Vegas in super hot temps. We were showering twice a day we were sweating so much. Come back home and it's like brrrrr!

      I love the idea of stuffing them in a lemon squeeze to make them look like hives. Now, I have to go buy me a hive shaped lemon squeezer :)

    2. You can do it with a regular plastic one that you have in the house :) That is how I make cornflackes chocolate cones. I just melt butter, honey and chocolate, mix in nuts and cornflackes and spoon it into the squeezer, trash it out and you get little chocolate cornflackes cones.

      Oh, noes, moma! Is Mariah already going away??? Oh, I will lend you a shoulder to cry on! How are you feeling about it?

      You should come here, I was just thinking the other day when it was close to fifty outside, 'Sister Theresa would be the only one to enjoy this hell' :)

    3. Yep, Mariah is off on the 15th, Allison goes back the 16th. I don't think I'm like typical moms. My end goal is to raise productive kids who can go out into the world and make it on their own, not keep them in my house forever, so I'm actually excited she's off in a few weeks. I mean, it's a little sad, but I've been working towards this point for 18 years. It's time for her to spread her wings and go.

      It was almost 50 Celsius in Vegas, which was reaching my heat tolerance level. Thankfully, there wasn't any humidity, so I was able to bop along just fine. We just had to shower early am and again before bed because we sweat a lot walking all over in that heat.

  2. All schools start in august here

    1. I remember the good old days when we went back in September :(

  3. Isaak and the adults would love these. Mica may not. He's odd about rice cereal, and Cheerios. He thinks they are baby food. I guess because I started Isaak on them when he was little as first foods. Silly Mica! I told Mica that I'd have a lot of protein bite in the fridge for when he starts school. Early mornings! We have to have things ready to go!

    This looks great to me. I'm pinning it on my Protein Bites board.

    1. I am already planning on our early morning bites to go. Those first few weeks back we really drag butt and need something quick and easy. Protein bites fit the bill nicely. That's funny about Mica thinking those cereals are baby foods!

  4. I will definitely be trying those honey hives. My kids love peanut butter so the added honey and raisins make it a great snack.

    1. If your kids don't like raisins, you could always swap them out for chocolate chips too. Overall, it's a really great snack!

  5. These are perfect snacks for after school OR on the go. I love the combination of nuts and honey. SO healthy!

  6. We don't go back until after Labor day up here. Costco sure lets you stock up indeed. Bet she'll appreciate plenty of snacks in the dorm.

  7. These Honey Hives make the perfect after school snack! I love how easy they are to make!

  8. I love protein balls, but they don't always photograph well. You actually managed to make yours look appetizing for pictures!

  9. Looks like a great snack, easy to make and yummy. Of course anything with honey is delicious.

  10. I know our kids would love making these treats. Very healthy too. They go back to school before Labor Day.

  11. This one is easy to prepare. I would love to try it but without raisin. Can I add some chocolate on this?

  12. Those look so good! The kids would really enjoy these.

  13. I really enjoy the simplicity of these. They are pretty healthy too.

  14. Those do look good. I bet my granddaughter would be all over these (like a bee on honey). ;)

  15. These look super yummy. My kids would love these!

  16. Before your blog I never knew there was so many ways to make honey recipes! I always enjoy your post and this honey hives are an interesting one.


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