
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Hoover Dam Side Trip

We had 3 days planned in Las Vegas, but after arriving in the wee hours of the morning and finding our hotel room not ready for over 7 hours, though we paid for early check in, (seriously, I would NOT recommend staying at the Westin hotel near the strip- so many problems my head still hurts!) we had spent our first day walking all over the city and really needed to give our legs a break. On the fly, we decided to spend day 2 mostly in the car enjoying the scenery of Nevada. We had plans to drive to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon, and if time permitted, round out the day to Horseshoe Bend.

Since I'm still going through photos, I am going to skip ahead to share day 2 with you, simply because I asked Jason to grab my camera bag on the way out of the hotel and he grabbed the bag with my extra lenses instead. What good is a bunch of lenses if you have no camera to go with it? (Ya'll, it's a case of the 2 left shoes once again!) So, I had to rely on taking photos with an iPhone, therefore I didn't take many at all because I hate how my photos turn out that were taken on a phone camera. First world problems, I know.

Hoover Dam

We were planning on enjoying the views from the car, but did decide to take a short climb up to peer out at the Dam from the overlooking bridge. It does look like a steep trek, but it's paved and very easy to maneuver.

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam

This lookout spot offers free parking, but if you want to walk around and explore down by the Dam, there is a $10 parking fee. We opted to just drive through without paying the parking fee and noticed there were plenty more lookout spots to pull over to enjoy the view and take a few snaps for free. #Winning!

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam

Though I wouldn't recommend sitting on the concrete slabs in the dead of July because they are friggin' HOT!
Hoover Dam

Even though it wasn't a planned stop in our travel itinerary, I'm glad we took an hour out of our day to swing through. I think the Hoover Dam is one of those landmarks one should visit once in their lifetime, so I'm glad I was able to tick that off my list.

Have you been to the Hoover Dam? If not, is it a place you'd like to visit or skip altogether?


  1. Count on Jason to bring what is needed :)

    I can't say I envy you on that desert visit, it seems like pure hell to be there in the sun, I'd probably turn into a dried pork crackling out there. Lovely photos, though, especially the one with the kids, looks like sun gave them a spotlight :)

    1. I admit, I was so bummed about not having my camera (it's like an extra appendage these days) that I took Horseshoe Bend off our itinerary because of it. I know, being a baby. Must have been all that desert heat.
      That sun flare was going through a lot of my photos and I really only liked it on the one that hit the girls. My good camera's hood would have prevented those rays from popping in the pics ;)

  2. lol maybe you had too many bags and he was just slyly telling you so by grabbing the wrong one.

    Great shots. Sure looks like a site to see up close. Always good to get a free view too. And don't sit on the rocks in July, check!

    1. I'm sure that could have been his intention, though he did offer to drive back and get the right bag. Probably trying to win brownie points since he knew I'd say no lol

  3. Came over from Pat Hatt's blog. This looks like a wonderful trip but I know I would be freaking out since I have a phobic fear of heights. I kept thinking of National Lampoons Vegas Vacation expecting Chevy Chase to be swinging around the dam

    1. I am terrified of heights too, but I actually felt ok on the bridge. I think it's because you are surrounded by a ton of rock, you don't feel like you are going to whoosh down to the ground. And least you'd roll down like a rollie polie ;)

  4. Nope. We have never been to the Hoover Dam. Your pics. are wonderful! We would love to visit, but traveling takes a back seat with two teenagers in marching band and the oldest gearing up for a "new" (used) car. Oy!

    1. I imagine your days are pretty packed with marching band. Those activities always do require a lot of time and sacrifice, but if the boys love it, travel can wait. The Hoover Dam isn't going anywhere ;)

  5. I live in Las Vegas! My daughter and grandson just went there and took pictures too. It's been a while since I've been there but it's quite awesome to see.

  6. That sucks about the hotel! Different things have happened to us when my husband has gotten a hotel ahead of time, so I just told him that we'd get one when we got there. A gamble I know. In fact when he traveled by himself there was a town that had an event, and there was no hotel to stay. Usually outside a main area there's something.

    The dam looks like it would be fun. It's great you climbed around a bit to stretch your legs. I like the photos!

  7. I'd love to see the Hoover Dam in person. It is so HUGE. It's a very impressive structure.

  8. That is fantastic! The Hoover Dam is just so massive. I'd love to see it up close and personal.

  9. Love all those photos, Theresa. You all look rad! We went there in 2015 and enjoyed it so much..

  10. I would love to take the kids there. I'm sure they would love it!

  11. Some amazing shots with just a phone. Most phones are better cameras than actual cameras were ten-fifteen years ago.
    Been to Hoover Dam twice - amazing place!

  12. It looks like you had a great trip. Visiting the Hoover Dam has been on my must do list for a while. One day I will be able to cross it off.

  13. That's amazing! I love the view from there! It's nice that you decided to take a stroll instead of staying in the car, it makes it more worth it, for sure!

  14. The view was worth the decision to side trip, for sure! I wouldn't mind going. Sorry to hear about the camera bag and the hotel (noted not to stay at Westin near the strip), but I know the trip had a lot of amazing things going on too. That sun flash you're talking about in the picture with your girls does look cool!

  15. Would love to visit the Hoover Dam - we've never been out west, so it's definitely on my bucket list.

  16. It's a nice stop and it's definitely better that you walked around and enjoyed the view. I would never miss it for the world.

  17. What a gorgeous spot! Definitely something to cross off of your bucket list, too. :) I want to visit all of these historic, special landmarks also! Love your pictures!

  18. I have great memories of Hoover Dam. In college some friends and I canoes and rafted below it. Not sure if that is allowed anymore after 9/11 but we loved it. There are hot springs and hot caves below it.

  19. What an amazing view!! I haven't been there! Would love to stop by next time!

  20. Hoover Dam is massive! What an awesome engineering feat that is. I have never been there, but just looking at the photos makes me want to pack my bags and fly there.

  21. Looks like a super fun trip! Your photos are wonderful!

  22. I haven't been there and I think I should! The Hoover Dam is ginormous! It is such a beauty to look at from the viewing deck. That must have been an exciting side trip for you!

  23. Yes, I've visited Hoover Dam several times, and I've done the tour inside the dam which was fascinating. My husband and I also hiked the Historic Railroad Trail near Hoover Dam. It's an easy hike and has panoramic views of Lake Mead, Boulder Basin, and Fortification Hill. It follows the railroad route for a train that used to bring supplies for the construction of Hoover Dam. It passes through five tunnels and is very cool. I don't like hiking in the heat, so I would go there during the cooler months ~ Regardless, bring water and wear a hat! I prefer my camera to my iPhone too ~ except when taking photos from airplanes because the iPhone records exactly what area you are seeing from the air.

  24. I've never been to Hoover Dam but would like to visit it at least once. You still took good pics, even if they were on a phone.


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