
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Not So Wordless Wednesday ~ Come Fly With Me

We're back from our west coast vacation! We had a little time to kill before heading out, so the girls thought it would be fun to lay in the grass by Midway Airport to watch the planes come zooming in for landing. In the air, they thought it was cool to see the scenery change from flat land to rugged mountains, something we aren't used to here in the Midwest.

If you've been following along on my Instagram stories, you've already gotten a sneak peek at some of our vacation shenanigans, but I'll be sharing more of what we did on the blog starting sometime next week. Missed you all and can't wait to catch up!


  1. It's crazy how close to space these planes fly

  2. amazingly artistic photos, I've told you many times you should be selling them to big photo service sites.

    1. I just think it's funny how picture taking changes once you become a parent. My girls are there taking photos of the plane and I'm standing over there taking photos of them taking photos lol

  3. Both are awesome shots indeed. Would be neat to watch them fly on in while lying there. Seeing the land change must have been quite the view too.

    1. It was my first time getting that close to them, even though we live pretty close to an airport. It's a bit scary how close them come overhead before hitting the landing strip!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. And welcome back! I'm curious where abouts on the west coast you were. Maybe you were near my stomping grounds. ;)

    1. Thanks Robert! We did a few days in Vegas, a day in Arizona, and a week in California (Santa Barbara and LA) so we could have passed right by you!

  5. How pretty! I think it was a great idea so lay back and watch those planes! You took some great photos!

  6. These shots are amazing! You have such a great eye for photography. I always enjoy seeing dramatic shots like these.

  7. Spectacular captures, makes me feel like I'm right there. When I lived near the airport, I enjoyed watching the planes too.

  8. It must have been cool seeing the planes fly overhead. It's kind of crazy to think about how heavy they are when they're soaring above you.

  9. We have a smaller airport nearby and the kids love to see the planes take off and land. That is so fun to play in the grass and watch!

  10. How cool that you were able to watch the planes coming in like that. And I always love seeing the scenery from airplanes.

  11. It's so cool that you guys watched the planes like that. As a little girl we used to go in and watch the planes take off from Logan!

  12. Those photos speak for themselves, they are so special. It is great to spend a lazy afternoon watching he planes fly by.

  13. I used to take my girls to a nearby field to watch the planes fly over us but it was when there were no cell phones lol. Seeing this makes me want to grab them and go again

  14. Both are great photos but that first one!! So fun!!!

  15. That photo is amazing! I am fascinated with airplanes and use to have my mom take me to the airport to watch the planes take off!

  16. Pretty shots! I love the black and white photo. I would love to copy that shot with my boys. I will just have to find out if there are any parks close to the airport in our place. Hopefully there is!

  17. Those are beautiful shots! I love sky shots, they're also so breathtaking! These are perfect for Wordless Wednesdays. I hope you had a wonderful time there!

  18. Amazing photos! What a nice way to keep beautiful memories of your west coast vacation. I love the photo of your daughters. That was a great shot!

  19. These look like some great pictures! Love the different Wordless Wednesday posts!

  20. Can't wait to hear about your vacation fun! I absolutely love the photo of the girls with the plane - that is a great shot!!

  21. Wow, those pictures are awesome!!


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