Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Wild Rice Holiday Stuffing for Thanksgiving

Friday, November 3, 2017

Wild Rice Holiday Stuffing for Thanksgiving

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.

Now that Halloween has come and gone, we can officially declare it the holiday season. My Pinterest feed is already filling up with so many delicious appetizer, dinner, and dessert options for the holidays, I'm having a hard time trying to narrow down a few favorites to try this year. Since I've really been putting in the work at the gym and Jason just started a new fitness plan, I am looking for more healthier options so we don't totally sabotage our weight loss goals with holiday treats. That's not to say that we won't have a slice of pie or two. I mean if you can't give yourself permission to treat yo'self during the holidays, then when can you? Since I no longer eat meat, turkey isn't the main draw for me for Thanksgiving dinner so I look for tasty sides that are filling and delicious. I haven't had to host the big dinner for the past few years, but that doesn't exclude me from having to bring a dish to my in-laws. This year I am bringing Wild Rice Holiday Stuffing, a recipe that I found on Golden Blossom Honey. 

Wild Rice Stuffing

This recipe is a medley of amazing flavors all combined into one tasty dish. Wild rice mixed with mushrooms, celery, and dried fruit? Yes, please! I have actually never tried wild rice with dried fruit and wasn't sure what would be a good combination, but I had dried blueberries and cranberries on hand so that's what I went with when preparing this recipe. In the end, I think it made an awesome addition to the dish. Just the right amount of sweetness without being overpowering like some other fruits might be. Plus, cranberries are a holiday staple, so why not toss some in there? I could honestly fill a bowl with this rice mix and call it a meal, so who needs turkey anyway? Not this girl.

8 ounces wild rice, uncooked
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 (10 ounce) package fresh mushrooms sliced
2 scallions, chopped
1/2 cup mixed dried fruit, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


Wild Rice Stuffing

You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey!

Are you trying any new recipes this Thanksgiving or will you be sticking with your tried and true favorites?



  1. Don't they still have a tofurkey over there in USA? :)
    What made the rice go wild?
    You lost me, dahlink, at dried fruit :PPP but I would pick out the shrooms, you know how much I love me shrooms, like a proper Smurf.

    1. They probably do, but I don't like tofu so I wouldn't try it if I found it. The rice is probably in its teenage years, so it will be a few more years before it's out of the wild stage ;)
      I thought the same about the fruit in there, but I was surprised to find that I really loved it in there. I think the key is sticking with tart fruit over sweet fruit so it blends in better with the overall flavor of the dish.

  2. Sure quite the medley indeed. We already did the thanksgiving thing up here. So only Christmas to ruin any diets going on now haha

    1. That's a long wait between holidays. I'd be twiddling my thumbs in anticipation of Christmas if we didn't have Thanksgiving to break up the dry spell.

  3. I don't think I've ever seen stuffing made with rice instead of a bread before. It looks so delicious!

    1. I haven't either, so I think that's what drew me to this recipe in the first place.

  4. This stuffing looks so yummy. I never would have thought to use rice to make stuffing. Thanks for the wonderful recipe! Catherine Sargent

  5. Wow - that looks different. I love rice, but I'm not a huge wild rice fan...but maybe with some fruit in there I would give it a whirl...I'll try anything (within reason) at least once. ;)

    1. I usually stick with brown rice, but I do like wild rice occasionally. I'll also try most things once also, but if it just has a nasty look about it, I pass.

  6. This wild rice holiday stuffing looks like a great idea for holiday stuffing. I will give it a try, always fun to try something new.

    1. I like to try new things too. Never hurts to throw a new dish in for everyone to try each year.

  7. This looks so delicious. I may need to try it one day.

  8. That looks amazing and it's a great alternative for people who don't eat meat at all. I'd love to give it a try one of these days.

  9. I am not vegan or vegetarian but I try to avoid meat as much as I can. I think this would be perfect for when we celebrate Thanksgiving! Thanks for the lovely recipe.

  10. I love this recipe. Sounds amazing!!

  11. This sounds so delicious. I have never had a wild rice stuffing like this one.

  12. I have been looking for some new recipes to try this Thanksgiving. I will have to make some Wild Rice Holiday Stuffing this year.

  13. Wow, this sounds delicious! A great side dish option for the holidays!

  14. This is just what I was looking for to mix up my holiday side dishes. Rice is a huge hit in our family.

  15. Yum this sounds so delicious. I love the flavors in this!!

  16. Wait... you've been putting in the work at the gym? Why? You look great plus... here's that magic word for yah: rye bread. That's right. Minus the broken teeth.

    1. It's my 15 year anniversary next year and I am planning on heading to Hawaii to celebrate. Can't be jiggly on the beach :)

      Jason likes Rye bread. I'll have to have him sample a slice first so I know that I won't be getting any broken teeth lol

  17. We've been having rice a lot with Mica's vegetarian diet. This looks good.

    I haven't decided what I'm making yet for Thanksgiving.

    1. We eat a lot of rice too. And beans! I think they are staples to most vegetarian diets.

      You always have fun dishes to bring to your Thanksgiving gatherings. I can't wait to see what you come up with this year.

  18. Looks delicious, Theresa! Many families now have members who don't eat meat, so it's always great to have a great dish for them too! We're going out to a restaurant with friends this year, but this rice dish could be a tasty week night dish. After this trip to Calgary, I'm going to need a lot of extra time in the gym! Good luck with your fitness goals. I think you look awesome!

    1. My in-laws stress themselves out over trying to make meat-free dishes that I can enjoy since I am the only vegetarian there. I wish they wouldn't though because I could just whip this up and be completely satisfied. I hope you had a wonderful time in Calgary and got some much needed relaxation time in!

  19. I LOVE the idea of adding cranberries. It def. is the fruit of the season, and what a fun way to spruce up the rice. Pinning it.

    1. I love cranberry season! We eat so many this time of year, it's a wonder we don't start turning red.

  20. I've been trying to rack my mind with a dish to take for Thanksgiving this year. This one looks really good. I'm going to print out the recipe and possibly make it.


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