Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Chocolate Pecan Pie

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.
Is it just me, or does anyone else have autumn on the brain? Maybe it's the hellish heat we've been having or I'm just turning into a cooler weather loving woman, but at this point I'm over summer already. I'm ready for crisp days, pumpkin patches, apple picking, cardigans, hayrides, and scented candles. You know, fun fall stuff. We had a few days of gloom and rain this week, and I thought about getting in the kitchen to make a loaf of banana bread, but my sweet tooth kicked in and I decided I wanted a pie instead. Because I've had autumn on my mind, I skipped over the fruit pie recipes and went straight to my favorite chilly weather pie: pecan pie. I've been eating pecan salad a lot this summer, so I bought the big bag of pecans from Costco to keep me in business. Since I had quite a few on hand, I didn't mind divvying up my stash to fulfill my pie craving. And because I had extra chocolate chips on hand too, this week was the perfect week to test out this Chocolate Pecan Pie recipe from Golden Blossom Honey. 
I was going to save this recipe for Thanksgiving this year, but since it's just going to be me and Jason celebrating the holiday alone for a change, that just made making the recipe now that much more appealing. You're either in the love it or hate it category for pecan pie. I don't think it's one you can be indifferent to. My love affair with it goes all the way back to my preschool years of when Little Debbie would have their mini versions individually wrapped for a quick grab and go snack way back in the 80's. Aside from lemons, they were the one treat I'd ask my mom for when we'd hit the supermarket. Pecan pie is a classy dessert for the holidays, but I like the addition of chocolate in this recipe to give it that extra oomph of flavor. I did kick it up a few more notches and dusted the top of this one with some cocoa powder, then sprinkled it with a handful of chocolate ribbon curls. Pop a hit of whipped cream on top of your slice or add it to the side, and if you had an obsession with the minis from the 80's like I did, after eating this pie you'll be asking, "Little Debbie, who?"


1/2 cup butter


1/2 cup corn syrup

3/4 cup sugar

4 eggs

2 tablespoons bourbon

1 cup pecans, coarsely chopped

1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1 (9-inch) deep-dish piecrust (found in frozen section)



You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
Pin It on Pinterest! 

Are you ready for autumn or are you still loving the summer season?


  1. Nope, summer heat is too cruel to think of Autumn, but I do follow a number of Autumn pages at Facebook and they have people fuming on them, like why are you posting Autumn stuff when it is summer, well, piss off, you are on an Autumn page, what do you expect them to post???
    Those lil wooden dishes look very cute!

    We had first rain after weeks last night, the plants were just about to die all, hope this will refresh them as our hazelnuts have started dropping leaves, which they do in the summer when they cannot stand the heat and draught but it is a bad thing, sort of a catastrophe. Even my cats are melting.

    PS it turns out I have two, not one hedgehog LOL I was talking to Jozo last night when he came out to eat and suddenly another one appears and starts hissing on him! And Im like where did you come from, I thought we had no holes in our fence! So now I have a merry menagerie in my yard, even if he visited us just that once.

    1. I save autumn pictures year round. I just love the warm colors so much! For sure, get off the autumn page if you don't want to see the posts. What morons!

      Eek a new hedgehog? You are so lucky! Maybe you'll have a whole family of them soon. Do they eat the cat food and that's why they come to you?

    2. Yes, they eat what is left of my cats' food and I put out water for them too, plus Jozo has his box under our shed where he sleeps during the winter and sometimes during the day too. He has a little towel which he wraps around himself and then sleeps the winter over like a burrito LOL

    3. Allison is jealous you have them in your yard. She'd be thrilled with a possum in ours though. Or seeing a racoon, though Jason disagrees on the racoon LOL

  2. I am very ready for autumn this summer is killing me

    1. Me too, Adam. Let's manifest autumn to hurry the heck up!

  3. I feel like summer is going too fast. I want it to slow down and last.

    1. It does feel like it is going fast, but the heat is making me want it to go faster. I usually dread summer's end, but not this year.

  4. Oh no that sounds really good, I do love pie I just don't eat much of it anymore. I am so done with Summer it is supposed to be 117 this week and that is just too hot for me.

    1. I could never do summer in Vegas. We did a few days in July a few years back and I thought it was just too much with the heat!

  5. bring on more pecan! Thanks for sharing this, Theresa. We are in the middle of winter now and I have to say that pies will always be our comfort food

    1. Pies are a fantastic comfort food! Thanks for stopping by, Indah!

  6. Gracias por la receta. Se ve muy rica.

  7. This looks SOOOOO good! I am definitely a fan of your recipes! I may have to bookmark this one for the holidays.

    1. I hope you make it, Bobbie! Your sweet tooth rivals mine, so I know you'd love it!

  8. I like pretty much any type of pie. I haven't had many pecan pies but a chocolate pecan pie sounds delicious.

  9. Can't say I remember those mini ones from the 80s lol but then I was only a few years old during the 80s.

    Something you can't be indifferent about with food? That is a rare one I suppose.

    Weren't you just saying how you wanted summer? Geez, can't please you. Next you'll be loving snow.

    1. I'm a fickle one like that, I suppose. Always looking for a reason to complain LOL

  10. No, no, no! I am not in a hurry for summer to be over. Make it last longer, puleeeaaaase!!! That being said, I am always in the mood for pecan pie. Haven't tried it with chocolate but you wouldn't have to twist my arm any. Pinning it.

    1. Have you put your feet in the beach water there lately? I read that your water temps are 101 degrees! That's insane! While I do love a nice soak in the hot tub, I'm not sure I'd love those open water temps.


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