Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Watercress Salad with Beets and Basil

Friday, July 7, 2023

Watercress Salad with Beets and Basil

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.
I'm a year round salad eater, but something about eating it in the hot summer months just hits different. Maybe it's because I don't like heavy foods sitting in my stomach while dealing with the heat, or just because the produce that I use in my salad is always in season and freshest this time of year. I don't know, but I do know that I hardly let a day go by without eating one when the temperatures are on the rise. Because berries are in season, I'm eating strawberry, pecan and feta with my greens almost exclusively for the past month, but this week I kind of felt like I needed a bit of a change. I have a nice pot of basil growing on my patio, and if I'm being honest I'll never get it to the size worthy of the homemade pesto I have high hopes of growing enough for but fail at every year, so figured it would probably be best to just use some up in this Watercress Salad with Beets and Basil, a Golden Blossom Honey recipe.  
This salad was a nice change from the sweet salads I have been munching on as of late. It's more tangy because of the dressing, but has little bit of a bite from the heat of the radishes. Other than the basil, I didn't grow any of these veggies in my garden this year, but if you did, this salad is a great way to put your home grown produce to good use. I do like watercress, but only one store local to me carries it, so if you have a hard time finding it yourself, any variety of greens would work here. I'd probably pick spinach as a substitute, but a spring mix would be a close second for me. I don't know why I start looking towards autumn as soon as Independence Day has passed, but we still have 3 months of hot weather upon us, so there's plenty of time to test this salad out for yourself this season! 



1 cup cider vinegar

2 Tablespoons red wine vinegar

1 pound small beets, trimmed

4 cups water

1 bay leaf

4 whole peppercorns

1 bunch watercress, stems removed

4 radishes, thinly sliced

1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped


2 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar


2 Tablespoons olive oil

1 1/2 Tablespoons onion, finely chopped




You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
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What are your favorite greens to use as a salad base?


  1. That is such a gorgeous photo, deary, so lush, fresh and colourful!
    I have a very strange relationship with Sir Basil LOL I mostly do not like it, but there comes a day when I want nothing more than a pinch of dried basil in my risotto or soup. I actually made glufree cornbread today, with cornmeal, buckwheat flour and pumpkin seed flour and added a pinchy pinch of basil in it with vegeta, garlic and red onion, it kinda goes in that dish, methinks. Will have leftovers for dinner too.

    1. I love basil, but we eat a lot of Italian inspired dishes here so it gets used frequently. I have never eaten it in risotto though. Usually I just saute mushrooms, cook the rice in some broth, then add pepper and parmesean cheese to the top. I will add a pinch of basil next time though to see if I like it that way.
      The cornbread sounds divine, though I don't put basil in that either. I love it with onion and even red peppers though. And a heaping pat of butter on top, of course lol

  2. I love arugula’s flavor, but the stems gag means it’s a hassle to remove them. I love crunchy green lettuce that’s frilly, but I’m not sure of the name.

    1. I like the frilly green lettuce too. Now I have to go see if I can find the name of it!

  3. Gracias por la receta. Se ve muy rica Te mando un beso.

  4. Yeah. When the heat starts eating something lighter is key indeed. Veggies is mostly all I eat so easy for me either way lol

    1. Yes, we do a lot of fruits and veggies this time of the year too.

  5. I have not had watercress since I was a kid because my mom and dad both really liked it. But I haven't seen it in the store in years.

    1. It's really hard to find here, too. I like it, but will only be able to eat it occasionally since I don't shop the store often that it's sold at here.

  6. There will be a year that is the summer of the world's best pesto, but until then, this is a great way to use your basil. :)

  7. That salad looks amazing, honey mustard is always a must

    1. Yes, I love the tangy zip it lends to the salad!

  8. I like using sweet basil and spinach. I have small hanging pots of spinach in my kitchen!

    1. Oooh, I'd love to have pots of spinach in my kitchen. How lovely!

  9. Thanks for the recipe. Sounds delicious.

  10. Such a pretty salad too with the pops of red from the radishes and beets! I love salads and have been eating them almost constantly for the past two months. I eat them as a vehicle for my protein, which I always have to have, my favorite being chicken and ground turkey. Just found your blog by following a link on Blue Grumpsters blog. I'm going to have a look around.

    1. My husband loves to have protein in his salad too. Summer months we go through so many greens it's ridiculous! Thank you for stopping by from Blue's!

  11. The dressing must be so fresh! And how I love to see all those fresh watercrest as well, Theresa. Whenever I get a chance, I always try to get fresh veggies too, although it gets more and more expensive during winter here


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