Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Pork Medallions with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Friday, August 4, 2023

Pork Medallions with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.
With our busy work schedules and no sign of it slowing down any time soon, we've been relying a lot on already made meals from Costco and Sam's. Not the frozen stuff, because ick, but the fresh meals that I get to skip the prep work on and just pop it in the oven. This week I did have a rare free night off and I thought it would be nice to make the husband a real home cooked meal for a change. That, and I was craving some mini new potatoes, so cheap brownie points for me on taking a somewhat self serving stance and making it seem like I was making dinner just to be nice. Our local market had a good deal on pork loin, and while that's something I normally don't cook (Jason usually just puts loin in the smoker), I looked through Golden Blossom Honey's recipes to find something different for a change and came upon this Pork Medallions with Sweet and Sour Sauce recipe that looked like a winner. 
I have never made pork medallions before, and I'll be honest and admit that I had to do a Google search just to see what they were supposed to look like. Goes to show that you can always learn something new even if it's something you've been doing practically your whole life! This was a very simple meal to execute from start to finish. Jason fully approved of the end result and I even scooped out some of the sauce to dip my potatoes in. I know a lot of families have or are about to settle into a new school year and week nights are about to become hectic once again, so if you're looking for a quick dinner idea, this one right here will keep everyone happy!


1 pound boneless pork loin, cut 1/2-inch

2 Tablespoons butter or margarine

1/4 cup scallions, minced

1 cup canned chicken broth


2 Tablespoons red wine vinegar




You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
Pin It on Pinterest! 

Are the kids in your area already back to school?


  1. Those potatoes do look lovely! These days I try to eat them just once in a fortnight or so. I'm mostly living on zucchini and chard lol Kids here start September 1st just in most of Europe. And college starts in October.

    1. I've probably lived off of zucchini all summer. It's so good grilled, fried, or plain. Nobody in my house eats it plain, but I like it dipped in a little greek yogurt with dill.

  2. lol nothing wrong with a side of self serving too. Two birds one stone and all of that. Quick is sure going to be good as the school year soon returns, even though summer just flew by.

  3. Hello!
    Really great, inspiring post. Your dish looks delicious, I want it :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  4. School usually doesn’t start here until sometime after the 20th. I no longer follow the school calendar and I don’t miss it one bit!

    1. I don't miss it one bit either. I just need to remember when they go back because the main road out of my neighborhood is in the middle of a school zone. I often forget and jump to 40mph instead of the 25mph we're supposed to go. The signs are a block in either direction, so us residents often don't realize we're speeding when school starts back up since we don't see them when leaving the hood.

  5. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  6. Sembrano squisiti! Ricetta davvero interessante

  7. I'm not sure about the sweet and sour sauce but I do like pork medallions.

  8. My stepdaughter goes back to school Tuesday

  9. It's kind of hard to find new ways to make pork! Pretty sure my kids would love this one, especially my daughter who is a big sweet and sour fan. Glad you got a night off to relax!

    1. I love sweet and sour when we eat Asian inspired cuisine. I like it over white rice.


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