Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Strawberries Marsala

Friday, August 18, 2023

Strawberries Marsala

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.
For those of you who thought I was jumping the autumn gun too soon last week, I thought I'd make it up to you and toss out a Marsala recipe just for those of you who are still clinging to these hot summer days. I wanted to do something with blueberries this week, but we've been so busy this season I didn't get a chance to visit our local u-pick organic blueberry farm. Allison was pretty upset with me about missing out on it this year, but her tune quickly changed when she came into the kitchen to find Strawberries Marsala in the fridge. This is a recipe that I found on Golden Blossom Honey when I was searching for an apple cake recipe last week and thought about saving it to share with you for Labor Day until you guys let me know that you weren't thrilled with me trying to push summer along. 
This Strawberries Marsala recipe is more for adults since the alcohol will not be cooked out during prep. However, you can modify it by omitting the wine altogether and just mixing the berries with honey. Or, you can change out the Marsala for apple or cranberry juice for a touch of extra flavor. Since Allison isn't quite at the drinking age, she was happy to have her own bowl of alcohol-free honey coated berries topped with the whipped cream mixture. If you want to present these not in individual bowls, flip the berries over, slice an x through each one stopping 3/4 of the way down. Using a piping bag and decorative tip, place the tip into the berry and fill with the whipped cream. Now you'll have finger foods for your gatherings without the extra dishes to wash. See, I'm still looking out for you, even if I am ready for the fall season to get here asap.


2 pints strawberries, sliced

1/4 cup Marsala wine


2 ounces Mascarpone or cream cheese

1/2 cup heavy cream, whipped



You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
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What summer fruits are you still eating a lot of this season?


  1. We eat berries year round. Unfortunately, never made it to strawberry or blueberry picking this year. And probably won’t have time to get fresh peaches anywhere either :(

    1. Isn't that a bummer? To think we've both been too busy to make it to the orchards this year :(

  2. Lovely photos, very summery indeed! We are having a gloomy rainy Friday but they say it will be back to 36/38*C next week and I am not looking forward to it, I thought this would be the end of summer heat. But at least we filled canisters with rain water for the garden.
    I haven't had a lot of fruit this summer, maybe a few nectarines and two melons, no berries, no water melons, no nothing else.

    1. We're getting the hell temps again this weekend. I am not thrilled, but at least it's not torrential rains. Jason dealt with that in Kentucky last weekend and it was not good. We ended up losing some product and a big umbrella because of it!

  3. Genial manera de hacer un postre de fresas. Gracias por la receta.

  4. I actually haven't heard of anything quite like this recipe. How interesting! AND we just bought a huge container of strawberries.

    1. It sounds like you need to make this recipe with your strawberry abundance! LOL

  5. I bet that's delicious, especially with the cream!

  6. While I've never had that it sounds interesting though.

  7. lol the shame of rushing summer came back to bite you hahahaha

    Feeling guilty so now looking out for us with no dishes, I guess that counts.

    1. Yep, guilt will make me offer you a token of advice for forgiveness LOL

  8. queste fragole devono essere super squisite!


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