Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Gorgonzola and Caramelized Onion Sandwiches

Friday, May 17, 2024

Gorgonzola and Caramelized Onion Sandwiches

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items. 

I've been on a cleaning frenzy this month trying to de-clutter my house and gear up for a yard sale next month. I'm years behind the Marie Kondo spark joy trend, but I'm finally embracing it and learning to let go of things that no longer serve me or make me happy. It's amazing how many things we hold on to with the hope that "someday" we might have a use for them again. Or a use for them at all. I dug out a picnic basket that I received for a blog promotion 6 years ago that I envisioned using summer after summer, yet there it sat untouched and still in its original wrappings. And it made me sad to think of all of the missed picnics over the years because I was in the rat race and forgot to slow down. This year one of my goals was just to actually slow down and live life a little. Go to the beach. Have picnics in the park. Just sit on the deck and admire the hummingbirds.... all things that I did before Covid turned the world upside down. I don't cook much these days, but I do still enjoy occasionally getting in the kitchen and whipping up a recipe that is sophisticated enough for a dinner party, but only requires the effort of a picnic basket meal. Like these Gorgonzola and Caramelized Onion Sandwiches from Golden Blossom Honey. 

Gorgonzola isn't a cheese that I normally buy, but I thought it would be a seamless transition from the blue cheese that I usually keep on hand. I don't know if it comes in crumbled form at the grocers because I couldn't find it at mine, but I did think it was pretty easy to crumble myself. The creamy and bold cheese paired with caramelized onions, which I absolutely love, had me digging into not 1 sandwich slice, but 2! My husband enjoyed it as a lunch option but being a true meat eater, did suggest I put brisket on his portions the next time that I make this, which would be a full lunch or dinner option then. Either way, this recipe serves just as easily for a nice dinner at home or for a picnic in the park. Wrap it in foil to keep the cheese melty and you'll look like pinkies up at the park without the posh effort of a restaurant quality meal. 


Caramelized Onion Relish

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 large onions, thinly sliced


2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

3 tablespoons golden raisins

salt and pepper to taste

1 loaf rustic country bread, sliced into 8 (1/2-inch thick) slices

1 (8 ounce) package Gorgonzola cheese, crumbled


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
Pin It on Pinterest! 

Have you done any heavy duty spring/summer cleaning this year?


  1. It does seem very fancy! I had a cat called Gorgonzola, he was one of my faves LOL
    No, just like you I have no time nor energy for deep cleaning, just the necessary stuff.

    1. I always love hearing about your cat's names. Gorgonzola is a fun one. Do they come when called by their names?

    2. No, only when you tell them tzitz-tzitz which is our way of calling cats. I have three babies right now, I am thinking of naming them Prichard, Arthur and Harold, but don't even know if they are males LOL

  2. After cleaning out my mom’s condo, I’m not eager to do much of my own! But I’m actually in good shape. I just have a corner of my bedroom with pictures/genealogy stuff that I’m organizing into books. It’s going to take me a while.

    1. Yes, that was quite an undertaking for you! I'd need a long hiatus from cleaning after that also!

  3. I love caramelized onion a lot in sandwiches, pizza and over farinata. Yours look lovely with gorgonzolla cheese.

    1. They are so good in many different dishes. One of my favorite veggies to caramelize. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

  4. Se ve muy rico y diferente. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  5. Gorgonzola is rich but it’s so good. A little goes a long way for me but it is sure tasty. I’d make these for myself and my older kids. My teen would snub it because even at 16 he is still such a picky eater!! -Rosey

    1. That's ok, cause Allison shunned it also. She likes to call it moldy cheese LOL.

  6. Yeah, many a time we forget to slow down. Hopefully you can and enjoy the picnic basket with this one. Or just sell the picnic basket at the yard sale lol I've pretty much sold everything that's not nailed down. If I haven't used it in a year, trash or sold or given away.

    1. Wanna come help me finish my house then? I mean, you come to the US often, venture my way and give a girl a hand LOL

  7. I like both of those things but not sure I would et this as a sandwich.

    1. It's not for everyone. My daughter refused to even try it.

  8. I hate clutter it makes me nervous or agitated. I am always decluttering. Oooo this recipe sounds SO good! I bet it tastes incredible. Thanks for sharing this.

    Allie of

    1. Yes! Clutter in the house clutters the mind. I get agitated too when there's clutter anywhere in the house!

  9. My boyfriend likes gorgonzola :D

    1. Then you should definitely treat him to this sandwich soon :)


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