Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Salmon with Pomegranate Sauce

Friday, July 12, 2024

Salmon with Pomegranate Sauce

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items. 
I'm sure this won't be a shock, but Allison and I have decided that we're done with summer and hit the town this week on the hunt for new Halloween merchandise. Needless to say, Jason was not impressed and told me that I need to reel it in. I believe after the 9th text I sent him, because that's how I compile my come back and purchase later lists when I'm shopping, I believe his exact words were "you need to leave the stores immediately." He was also not up for hanging our current decorations this week either, reminding me that he just power washed the deck and would like to enjoy a little of the warm weather before the chilly temps are upon us. While I didn't buy any merchandise and I left the old decorations in the attic, I did find this amazing little lemon shaped cat swing that I absolutely must have at Home Goods. So I devised a plan to butter the husband up to soften the blow for when I do head over to add it to my cart. Because if food is a way to a man's heart as I've been told, well then this Salmon with Pomegranate Sauce recipe from Golden Blossom Honey is my ticket to letting Jason enjoy some summery goodness while overlooking my ridiculous upcoming purchases. 

This salmon recipe grabbed my attention because I have never thought to pair fish with pomegranate. Lemon and oranges, yes, but for some reason, pomegranate was never on my radar when it comes to seafood. I was a bit worried that the pomegranate would be overpowering because of its tang, but the honey toned down the tang and enhanced the sweetness of the fruit. The fish doesn't need any special prep before cooking, and with just a handful of ingredients, everything comes together in a snap. Serving the fish over a bed of greens is such a healthy way to fill your plate, and you can use any leftover sauce in place of salad dressing so this really is an all-on-one kind of a recipe. For those of you who are still in the passionate throws of this steamy summer weather, this recipe is for you. Even I'll shelve the pumpkin spice for a little longer since this is such an easy and delicious way to get use of the grill and have dinner on the table in under 20 minutes. 



1 cup pomegranate juice


4 (6 ounce) salmon portions, grilled or broiled

4 cups fresh baby spinach leaves


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
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What fruits do you like to pair with seafood? 


  1. Before chilly temps are upon you? Jesus, missy, we have three months of summer hell ahead of us still, what are you talking about? LOL I thought you published some Autumn post when you started talking about Autumn and Halloween. We are having a month of ungodly 40C plus temps and 29C nights and mornings, so it is living hell here and no refreshment nor Autumn in sight, I mean we still have August ahead of us which is usually the worst summer month. What Halloween decor LOL I have only just put my seahorses and sea flowers on my coffee table for summer decor.

    1. If it's anything like year's past, we'll have snow on the ground this time in 3 months. Autumn goes so fast, that's probably why I long for it to arrive once July hits. Are your seahorses new or did you show those to me before?

    2. Not new, cannot remember if I showed them to you or not, they are very pretty, mushroom colour, ellegant without being kitschy, go well with my couch and cushions and I have three little potted fake plants that look like sea plants. Would show them to you over at Facebook, but it is not like you ever read your messages there looooool so no way to send you pics.

  2. I can’t think of any fruits I pair with seafood besides lemon, lime, and orange. My family complains about the .crunchiness of pomegranates.These peeps need to strengthen their teeth or something!

    I could totally skip Halloween and Thanksgiving. Give me summer!

    1. The crunchiness is what I love most about them! But I can totally see where the hard texture could be unappealing for some.

  3. My oldest son's family has salmon at least once a week. Def. my granddaughter's favorite. I haven't paired pom with it, but that's a cool choice. I'm ignoring the Halloween talk... sorry, not sorry. ;) :)

    1. I get that not everyone is on my level of Halloween excitement so no sorry (or not sorry LOL) is needed. I love that your grandaughter is a salmon fan. Allison didn't enjoy it until she was a legal adult.

  4. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  5. Being a vegan, I do not eat fish. However, I will prepare fish sometimes for company since it is just way too time consuming to make an entirely vegan meal for a party of 12 ! I think pomegranate is a perfect match ! Thanks for the recipe.

    1. I totally get it! Vegetarian and vegan meals are so hard to do for a large crowd! Even trying to get it all together for my family of 4 presents as a challenge sometimes!

  6. Hahaha did it work? Got your home goods stash? Geez, halloween in July is kinda pushing it.

    1. Take your negativity elsewhere, Pat LMAO! You know good and well we'd celebrate Halloween year round if we could!

  7. I love salmon, we eat it all the time. I don't usually pair fruit with savory dishes though but it sounds good.

    1. Fruit is about the only way I can choke down seafood. That or a LOT of butter LOL!

  8. Hello!
    I'd love to try salmon with pomegranate, it's such a different combination from the usual, plus I have a pomegranate tree!


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