Theresa's Mixed Nuts: Quick Cream of Wheat

Friday, January 31, 2025

Quick Cream of Wheat

Disclosure- I received the mentioned product courtesy of the sponsor for the the purpose of this review. All opinions are genuine, based on my experience with the product, and have not been influenced by promotional items.
There's something comforting about a hot breakfast to jump start a chilly morning. My daughter has been a long time fan of Cocoa Wheats, which happens to be located right next to the box of Cream of Wheat at the grocers. I have always skipped over the Cream of Wheat because something about the picture on the box made me think of southern grits, which I used to honestly feel a rage towards when they would serve that for breakfast at my preschool. My whole family on my mother's side is from the south and I don't think a single one of us ever acquired a taste for grits, so I don't even know how those are still a thing, but here we are. So as I was scrolling through Golden Blossom Honey's recipes last week looking for a Valentine's Day recipe to share with you all next month, I happened upon their recipe for Quick Cream of Wheat. You know I've been a fan of their recipes for over a decade now, so I decided to trust their judgement and tossed that red box in my cart while sending up a hope and a prayer that it wouldn't taste like grits in the end. 

As far as easy breakfasts go, you can't find an easier one than this. Just a few simple ingredients and a microwave are all you need to have your hot breakfast on the table in under 5 minutes. As for the taste test, my daughter was the first to try it and declared it tasted like nothing. I think it's because she was expecting it to be as sweet as her Cocoa Wheats and because she ate it without mixing any honey or fruit in. The husband, on the other hand, was really after the fruit at first, but as he dug in was like, "This is actually really good! Oh, look at the ingredients on the box. It's really good for you too. There's a lot of vitamins in this!" After reluctantly trying my share, I ended up agreeing with Jason. This was actually quite good. Nothing like those icky southern grits at all. I did opt to skip the water and apple juice in this recipe and went with vanilla almond milk instead, simply because I never like to use water in these kinds of recipes and apple juice usually doesn't agree with my sensitive stomach. I did top with my favorite berries, banana slices, and a drizzle more of honey. You can add in any of your favorite fruits, nuts, or seeds to dress it up a little or eat it plain as the recipe calls for. 2 out of 3 Mahoneys give this recipe a thumbs up. Don't mind the 3rd one though. Sometimes she just doesn't know what's good for her LOL. 


1/4 cup cream of wheat

1 cup water or apple juice


You can find this recipe, as well as many more delicious recipes right on the Golden Blossom Honey recipe page! Be sure to follow Golden Blossom Honey on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on new products and promotions.

If you like this recipe, be sure to come back every Friday, where I feature a new recipe from Golden Blossom Honey, and be sure to
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Do you like Cream of Wheat? 


  1. My mom made me cream of wheat all the time when I was a kid. I love this version with the honey and fruit. My mom always added butter and occasionally some raisins.

    1. I'll have to try it with butter. I usually like my breakfast a little on the sweeter side, but I might like it savory with the butter instead of honey as well. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I have no idea what cream of wheat is, but the recipe sounds simple and lovely, cooking poridge in apple juice is always a lovely idea, we actually often make cakes in my country by cooking instant pudding in apple juice in which we first boiled some grated apples for five minutes instead of milk and then pouring it over some vanilla butter biscuits with whipped cream on top. You did such gorgeous photos today! I am jealous that you have berries LOL We are boycotting all major shops today because our prices are the highest in Europe. Croatians did the same in their country a few days ago and it cost shops over 40 million euro just in one day. Hope ours are hit today even worse.

    1. That's the only nice thing about the end of January and early February is we get berries imported in and they are quite inexpensive because they push them for Valentine's Day. Otherwise, like your area, they are so outrageously priced, I don't buy them again until summer, usually opting for frozen bags since those are more budget friendly.

  3. My mom would sometimes make cream of wheat on the stovetop on Sunday mornings. I think we just put a spoon of sugar on top. I liked it, but I have to admit that Coco Wheats were so much better!

    1. My daughter would say the same. Coco Wheats was a childhood staple for me because it was so tasty and a lot cheaper than cereal, so mom would buy it frequently.

  4. 2 out of 3 isn't bad odds haha So now we know how to get your to rage out, just bring out the grits.

    My uncle used to eat cream of wheat all the time. I've never tried it, but I just cringe when I look at it. Not sure why.

    1. It does have a cringe appearance, but I've been eating it consistently ever since trying this recipe.
      Bring those grits around here and you'll find them dumped on your head.

  5. I've always liked Cream Of Wheat. This looks good. I like Grits as well but don't eat it as much. My grandpa used to add cheese to Grits and it made them so much better.

    1. Maybe that was the problem. They never served grits with cheese at our daycare. I might have to be brave and revisit trying them again if cheese is added in.

  6. It has been so long since I have had them. I think I was in high school. I was at a sleepover and this is what they served for breakfast. I did enjoy it, enough to still remember it, but my mom for some reason never bought it... and I haven't either. I don't mind giving it a try though. I like mixing things up.

    1. Mixing things up I need to do more of often. I've grown quite dull over the years it seems lol

  7. I must say I have never eaten cream of wheat.

    1. I'm finding that I am a little sad that I never tried it sooner!


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